Rashtriya Military School Entrance Exam Syllabus


Rashtriya Military School Entrance Exam

Syllabus for 6th

RMS CET Syllabus {Updated} 6th

 RSM Coaching 09098479509 

Shiwani Academy Sainik School Coaching Center - Indore


Those applicants who will qualify the RMS CET 2022 will be eligible to appear in medical and interview. After that Rashtriya Military Schools Admission Authority will hosted RMS CET Final Merit List school wise on its official website and school website.

Section- I English

Rashtriya Military School Entrance Exam Syllabus 2022 -English (6th)

·         Spelling

·         One Word Answers/ Fill in the Blanks

·         Prepositions

·         Comprehension Passages

·         Antonyms and Synonyms

·         Framing Questions

·         Homonyms

·         Singular and Plural Forms

·         Sentence Types (Interrogative, Positive, Negative, Exclamatory)

·         Composition/ Paragraph Writing

·         Make Meaningful Sentence from Jumbled Words

·         Affirmative and Interrogative

·         Constructing Sentences with Words

·         Articles

·         Rashtriya Military School Entrance Syllabus- Intelligence Test

Section –II Intelligence Test

·         Puzzle

·         Image

·         Verbal and Non-verbal

·         Direction Sense

·         Sequence

·         Coding and Decoding

·         Analogy Test

·         Assigning Correct Mathematical Signs

·         Relationship of Analogy

·         Relationship

·         Same Class

·         Confusing Instructions

·         Completion of Series

·         Jumbled Spelling

·         Alphabetical Arrangement of Words

·         RMS Rashtriya Military School Entrance Syllabus- Mathematics

Section- III Mathematics

·         Number System

·         Place Value and Face Value of Numbers, Writing Greatest and Smallest numbers, Comparison of Numbers, Rounding off numbers, Number Patterns and Series, LCM &HCF, Fundamental Operations on number including BODMAS rule, Prime Factorization, Squares and square roots

·         Commercial Mathematics

·         Time and work

·         Profit & Loss with Percentages

·         Preparation of cash bills

·         Percentages

·         Measurement of Temperature in degree Celsius

·         Ration and Proportion

·         Unitary Method

·         Arithmetic Mean

·         Simple Interest

·         Degree Fahrenheit

·         Time & Distance including conversion of units

RMS Entrance Exam Syllabus 2022~ GK & Current Affairs

Section-IV General Knowledge & Current Affairs

·         Sports

·         History & Geography

·         Awards

·         General Science

·         Committee & Commission

·         International Organizations

·         Inventions and Inventors

·         Books and Authors

·         Some Historical Events / Land Marks

·         Classical Dances of India

·         Constitution

·         Science & Health

·         Environment & Pollution

·         Some Important Geographical Terms

·         Important Events of World History

·         Economics & Population

·         Popular persons & Places etc

·         States of India

·         Union Territories

·         First in India

·         Important Towns on Rivers

·         Countries, Capitals and Currencies

·         India – Important Facts

·         Our Defence Forces

·         Atomic Power Stations in India

·         Important Days

·         Some Games and Sports Terms

·         Some Abbreviations

·         National Parks and Wild Life Sanctuaries in India

Rashtriya Military School Exam Pattern ;-

Rashtriya Military School Common Entrance Test (RMS CET) for Class 6th is Automated Optical Mark Reader (OMR) based exam. Here, we are providing scheme of marking by given below table:-

Subject Minimum % to Qualify   Maximum Marks             Remarks

(a) English           35%        50           Candidate is required to qualify in this test. English Marks are not counted towards Merit.

(b) Intelligence Test        40%        50          

(c) Mathematics               40%        50          

(d) General Knowledge & Current Affairs             40%        50          

(e) Interview                     20          


RMS Syllabus 2022 - Details 2022

Authority Name

Rashtriya Military School

Name of the Entrance Exam

RMS Common Entrance Test (RMS CET)

Class Name of Admission

Class 6th & 9th

Official Website



RMS Entrance Exam Pattern 2022 :

Class VI

Duration : 120 Minutes



No.of Question







General Knowledge & Current Affairs




Intelligence Test














RMS CET Class IX Exam Pattern



No.of Question



Paper 1




2 Hour







Social Science




Paper 2














2 Hour



Rashtriya Military School Admission Syllabus 2022 :

RSM Coaching 09098479509 

Shiwani Academy Sainik School Coaching Center - Indore

English –

1. Antonyms
2. Synonyms
3. Prepositions
4. Composition
5. Framing Questions
6. Articles
7. Comprehension Passages
8. Affirmative and Interrogative
9. Fill in the blanks
10. Spelling Check
11. Affirmative and Interrogative
12. Para Jumbled
13. Constructions of Sentences
14. Error correction
15. Types of Sentences (Negative, Interrogative, Positive, Exclamatory), etc

Intelligence Test Syllabus :

1. Relationship
2. Relation of Analogy
3. Same class
4. Sequence
5. Verbal and non verbal
6. Image
7. Completion of Series
8. Jumbled Spelling
9. Direction Sense
10. Analogy Test
11. Puzzle
12. Coding and Decoding
13. Analogy Test
14. Decision Making, etc

Mathematics Syllabus:

1. Number System (LCM, HCF, Place Values, Smallest and greatest numbers, Rounding off, Number series and patterns, BODMAS, Square, Square roots, prime factorisation, etc)
2. Time and work
3. Percentages
4. Profit and Loss
5. Degree Fahrenheit
6. Simple Interest
7. Arithmetic Mean
8. Measurement of Temperature in Degree Celsius
9. Arithmetic Mean
10. Decimal and Fractional (Fundamental Operations, Conversion of Fractions to decimals or percentages, simplifications, comparisons, equivalent fractions, etc )
11. Menstruation (Units of Area and Volume, Area of circle and its circumference, Perimeter and area of triangle, rectangle, square with diagrams, Volumes of Cube, Solids and cuboid, etc)
12. Geometry (Basic Geometry like Line, Point, Line Segmentation, ray, etc, Circles, Angles, Quadrilaterals and polygons, Interior and exterior of figures, Triangles, Construction of line segments, etc)

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

1. History
2. Sports
3. Awards
4. Science and Health
5. Committee and Commission
6. States of India
7. Our Defense Forces
8. Atomic Power Station in India
9. Classical Dances of India
10. Books and Authors
11. International Organisations
12. Indian Constitution
13. Environment and Pollution
14. General Science
15. Important Events of World History
16. Inventions and Inventors
17. Some Abbreviations
18. Important Towns on Rivers
19. Countries, Capital and Currencies
20. National Park and Wild Life Sanctuaries in India
21. Union Territories
22. Famous Rivers
23. Geography
24. Famous Persons and places, etc
25. Important Dates and days, etc

Class IX :

RMS CET Syllabus for Paper-I

(A). English Syllabus:

1. Grammatical Structure
2. Comprehension & passages
3. Antonyms
4. Synonyms
5. Vocabulary
6. Prepositions
7. Composition
8. Homonyms
9. Framing Questions
10. Articles
11. One word substitution
12. Comprehension Passages
13. Affirmative and Interrogative
14. Fill in the blanks
15. Spelling Check
16. Error correction
17. Grammar (Verbs, Adjectives, Noun, Gender, Structure, etc)


1. Linguistic applications and grammatical skills
2. Unread comprehension questions
3. Character idea
4. Utterance (source / origin)
5. Proverb
6. Introduction of the term
7. Synonym
8. Idiom
9. Sentence Transformation (Simple / Combined / Mixed)
10. Word Vivek (subtle difference in word usage)
11. Purge inaccurate sentences
12. Identification of verse distinction (grammatical category)

Social Science :


1. History

2. The First Cltles

3. The First Farmers and Herders

4. When

5. Where and How

6. New Ideas, Culture and Science

7. New Kings and Kingdoms

8. Regional Cultures

9. Geography, Agriculture

10. Resource’s for Types of Natural Human

11. Diversity

12. Political and Science

13. Regional Cultures

14. The First Farmers and Herders

15. Social Justice and the Marginable

16. Unpacking Gender

17. State Government

18. The Judiciary

19. Environment in tis Totally

20. Natural and Human Environment

21. Air and Planet Earth in the Solar System

22. Globe

23. Geography as a Social Study and as A Science

24. Challenging the Caste System

25. Rural Life and Society

26. Political Development

27. Sultans of Delhi

28. Creation of An Empire

29. Regional Culture


(A). Mathematics

1. Number System (LCM, HCF, Place Values, Smallest and greatest numbers, Rounding off, Number series and patterns, BODMAS, Square, Square roots, cube and cube roots, prime factorisation, Conversion of fractions to decimals or percentages and vice-versa, etc)
2. Roman numeration and Rounding off numbers
3. Comparison of numbers
4. Greatest and smallest numbers
5. Unitary Method
6. Ratio and Proporation
7. Time, Work, Distance and Displacement
8. Lowest form and equivalent
9. Profit and loss based problems
10. Circle and its parts
11. Basic geometrical concepts such as point, line, line segment, ray etc
12. Classification of angles
13. Angles, triangles, circles etc
14. Angle sum property of triangles and quadrilaterals
15. Area of Triangles, Rectangle, squares, etc
16. Volume of Cube and cuboid
17. Area of Circle
18. Triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons
19. Conversion of units of Area and volume
20. Interior and exterior of given figures
21. Place value and face value of numbers
22. Temperature Measurement in degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit
23. Angle sum property of triangles and quadrilaterals, etc


1. Reproduction
2. Food
3. Chemical Effects of Electrical Current
4. Electroplating
5. Solar System
6. Natural Phenomena
7. Energy
8. Light
9. Living /Non Living
10. Materials, etc

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माता पार्वती के नाम पे ही कन्याकुमारीकन्याकुमारी मंदिर का इतिहास, भारत में पर्यटन स्थल,शिर्डी के साईं बाबा का चमत्कार और जीवन...धन की कभीं कमी नहीं होती इसे रखने से... ,भगवान शिव का वरदान है ज्योतिर्लिंगचमत्कारी और रहस्यमयी बातें -,माता वैष्णो देवी की गुफा से जुड़ी ये चमत्कारी और रहस्यमयी बातें ........... भगवान विष्णु का सुदर्शन चक्र का इस्तेमाल करते हुए माता सती के देह के 51 टुकड़े कर दिएपवित्र 51 शक्तिपीठ की रहस्य ,आदिशक्ति मां काली का अवतार,ये सभी माता पर्वती की सखियां हैं 64 योगिनियों –,संतपरमात्मा और कवि कबीरदास समाज में फैली कुरोतियों को दूर किया ,जीवनी The largest and most beautiful Hindu temple in the world ,

Know how to get admission in Rashtriya Military School.सैनिक स्कूल में प्रवेश प्रक्रिया और पात्रता मानदंड जानें।